With all the changes taking place in schools during 2020, your classroom probably looks very different to this time last year!

To provide some LEGO based learning tools, Imagination Station has created a range of worksheets covering a broad selection of curriculum and other topics. These include a variety of tasks involving different media - drawing, building, writing, photographing. Many of the worksheets include experiments that reinforce key learning themes.
We’ve designed these worksheets with all kinds in mind - whole families or groups can work together and LEGO is not always essential (although highly recommended)!
So, what's in a worksheet?
Now that we’re safely reopening schools across NZ, you can integrate these worksheets into your teaching. If your classroom learning has a focus on a particular skill, we’ve probably got a few worksheets that use that skill in some way.

- "How do Cars Work and Move?": Miles per hour to kilometres per hour.
- "How do Planes Fly?": Kilometers per hour to meters per second
- "How do Volcanoes Work?": Miles to kilometres
- "Amazing Animal Facts": Feet to metres
- "How are Skyscrapers Built?": Miles to kilometres and feet to metres.
These worksheets have measurement tasks built in, but most of our other worksheets involve some kind of building challenge, so you’re sure to find lots of things to measure! Grab a ruler, a measuring tape, a thermometer or a scale and quantify the world around you!
- "How are Skyscrapers Built?": Challenge your family and friends to race to build a tower one metre tall. As an alternative, set a time limit and measure to see who built the tallest tower in the given time.
- "How Far is it to the Moon?": Use a map (or Google Maps) to measure the distance from your home or school to the New Zealand Space Agency in Wellington (then calculate how long it would take to get there in a rocket)!
- "How do Planes Fly?": In the experiment, measure time of plane flight using a stopwatch.
- "A Chair for Bear": Build a chair that keeps Bear’s bottom at least 5cm off the ground. Alternatively, set your own design brief involving measurement and use the Engineering Design Process worksheet to get young builders up to speed.

Most of our worksheets provide simple formulae for any calculations involved, although there are some where younger students may need your help to find a formula we haven’t given.
- "It’s Just Rocket Science": Calculate the percentage of total height when given a series of heights.
- "How Far is it to the Moon?": Time = distance/speed
- "Why do we have Seasons?": Calculate a temperature difference after researching the hottest and coldest recorded temperatures
- "How do Planes Fly?": Distance = speed x time
We hope these worksheets are useful in whatever learning projects you are working on, and we’d love to hear how you’ve been using them. We also value feedback on all our resources.
To let us know what you think of the worksheets or request an answer sheet, email us at education@imagination-station.org.nz.